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Pacer Test


Testing our cardiovascular endurance

I have grown in breathing and cardiovascular endurance. I have grown in breathing and cardiovascular endurance because in fitness assignment at the beginning of the year that needed cardio and breathing techniques I did not do very well. After MS. Curran taught us ways to control our breathing and jogging for 3 minutes I got better scores at the fitness assignment that calls for cardio. Know when we jog for the first minutes of class or fast exercises I don’t get fatigued as fast.


An endeavor that shows my growth in cardio endurance and breathing is the pacer test. The pacer is a progressive aerobic cardio vascular endurance exercise. It is when we run back and forth from one end of the room to the other and there is a computer that beeps and the longer you run the faster the beeps occur.


 An artifact that shows my growth in cardio vascular endurance is my pacer test scores. This shows growth because when we took the pacer test the first quarter I got 61. When I was taking the test I was noticing that I was just breathing through my nose. So while we were jogging in the beginning of every fitness day I was practicing breathing in through my nose and out through my mouth. The next quarter we did the pacer test and during it I made sure to breathe in through my nose and out through my mouth and I got a 72 on that pacer test. I got 11 more on the 2nd quarter pacer then the 1st quarter because I was controlling my breathing


Another artifact that shows growth in cardiovascular endurance is my 2nd quart Fitness data chart. This chart is so we can record our heart rate and how hard the physical activity was for us. This shows growth because during our team fitness marathon on October 21 my ending heart rate was 180. Team fitness marathon is when you get into a group of 4 and you pick a number and there’s a chart MS. Curran gave us and whatever number you chose, you do that exercise. The purpose of the team fitness marathon was so we could exercise as a team. When we did jogged at the beginning of every class I asked Khalil if he wanted to race so I could get my heart rate up. After doing that every fitness class, I kept getting easier to breathe when we raced. So when we had a team fitness marathon on December 2nd my ending heart rate was 150.  It went from 180 beats per minute to 150. It dropped 30 which means my heart can pump more blood with one beat now than it did October 21.


This is going to help me in the future because if my heart is healthy I will have less of a chance to get high blood pressure or high cholesterol, and I will get better on my pacer test. One way I still need to work on my cardio and breathing is to keep working out and running. That’s how I need to work on breathing and cardio.

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