Nolan Menchaca
Impact on Islam
World History
Teaching our peers about Islam
I feel that I have grown in collaboration. Before I used to not agree with a partner and when we couldn’t come to a decisions, we would argue about who was doing what. I am also growing in collaboration in other classes like Wellness/Fitness because we had to make a jump rope routine with a partner and we had to work together to make the routine so we had to collaborate.
An endeavor that supports this growth is the impact of Islam presentation. The process of this endeavors was choose one of the seven topics that you thought was interesting. There were three other people that could choose the same topic and they will be your group. You had to research your topic and rehearse your presentation. When you presented, all the people in your group had to speak. We got graded on eye contact with the audience and the ability to answer questions.
An artifact that shows my growth in collaboration is our final power point for our presentation. This artifact shows my growth in collaboration because, we had to work together to put this power point together. Since each person needed to work on it but if we work on it all at the same time we would have four different power points. What we did was we talked as a group about who would work on the power point at what time so we would just have one power point. We had to collaborate and decide who was going to work when, that is how this artifact shows growth in collaboration.
Another artifact that shows my growth in collaboration is the guided notes we gave the audience. This artifact shows growth because we had to work together to make the guided note match the power point. Since we kept revising our power point the guided notes would change so we had to communicate and work together to pick the final power point then make the guided notes. This is how this artifact shows growth
This skill will help me in the future because at DRSS we work in groups a lot so we will need to be able to collaborate to work together and get work done. I need to further develop this skill by not arguing and accepting and listening to other peoples ideas to improve this skill.