Nolan Menchaca
Communication is Always Needed
History this year has been very involved. We had many group projects in history that we needed to work together. When working together, we had to take turns on the projects and figure out when and who was going to work on it at certain times. This was very crucial for the projects because if we worked at the same time, someone’s work wouldn’t be saved.
A project that was difficult to communicate with my partner was the comic book project. For the comic book project, we had to choose between different events that happened and make a comic book that could teach the reader about it. My partner was Edwin and we chose the Boston massacre to write about. I was absent the first 2 days of the project so I didn’t know what my partner was doing because I didn’t have his email or phone number. When I got back the next day he told me all the work he did and what I needed to do to contribute. He did a lot of work when I was gone so I as very appreciative. I got his number when we were together but that the next day my phone broke so I didn’t have a way to text him. It was the beginning of the weekend so it was a couple days before I could talk to him again. When we went back to class we made a plan for when we were going to work on the comic. We set a certain time each person was going to work so if we weren’t able to get ahold of each other, we could still work and save it.
Another project that I needed to communicate with my partner was the infographic project. We had to read a book about a certain time period then make an informative poster that could show how the book talks about history and what it teaches. My partner for this was Rend and we had the book chains. We decided that we were going to have different Venn diagrams comparing the book and what really happened. We only really had one time when we were having problem and I didn’t have her number or email but I was able to ask a friend for it and we were able to solve the problem. I thought it was cool because I had no idea how to fix something on our infographic but when I talked to my partner, they told me step by step on how to do it. We were able to complete the project without any arguments or problems that stopped us from moving forward.
All of these projects required communication and if we weren’t able to in the beginning we figured something out and got better at it. We will always need to be able to communicate with each other or else we will never be able to work stuff out with partners or business workers. It is a skill everyone needs to work on and improve that skill.

The infographic we took information from a book and had to make a historically accurate.