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Stay Fit


In wellness/Fitness, we have had many projects and activities. Some of these activities have been games to help us with cardiovascular endurance and other are workout videos, workout sessions to help with muscular endurance or muscular strength and the 30-day challenge. Others have been activities like fast food stoplight and NCD calendar. These were fun but difficult assignments and we had to work on them for a while to get the result we wanted. Out of these I think they have helped me grow in persistence the most.


In Wellness/Fitness, the NCD calendar helped out a lot. The NCD calendar was a calendar we had to make that could give our family tips on how to help prevent a non-communicable disease. There had to be 15 tips and we could choose the months April-August to make a calendar for. I chose the month July and Melanoma for my disease. I chose these because July is a very sunny month and my family is outside and we had to choose a disease that was most likely for our family. During this project getting the 15 tips was very difficult because the tips had to come from a reliable source and we had to have 15 different tips so we couldn’t repeat anything. This was the most difficult part. I was able to talk to another classmate who had the same disease and share tips but we had a lot of the same ones so I only got a few from him. It took me about 2 weeks to get 15 tips that worked and got approved. Once I had those I had to make the calendar that represented my family which also took a while. I was kind of doing a sloppy job on my first draft because I was getting bored and annoyed of the project but then I talked to my friend and we said we would help each other and not give up. I started to use a ruler and take my time on the calendar even when I didn’t want to do it. I think overall I had 4 drafts before my final product. You can see the difference in my first and final draft because of how neat my final is and you can see how much time I put into it. We were both able to finish the project and got a good grade on it.


Another project that helped was the 30 day challenge. This was a very difficult and hard project. We had to make a plan that would last 30 days and it was to help us with one of the three physical topics we scored worst on. The three topics were upper body muscular endurance, core muscular endurance and cardio vascular endurance. I had to do core muscular endurance because I scored lowest on that. The plan we made had to have a least two circuits which meant two different kinds of exercises on different days and they had to be FITT. FITT means it had to be frequency intensity time and type. Our circuits had to be a certain amount a week, our heart rate or RPE had to be a certain amount, it had to be a certain length, and we had to have exercises that were they type we needed to work on. When we made our first draft of the circuits, only one person did it correctly. We didn’t have a circuit or we didn’t have enough exercises. Once we were able to make a correct plan, we had to get it checked by our math teacher to see if we could record our progress. It took a while before we made a plan that would work and then we began the 30 day challenge. The drafting was hard but the exercising was also hard. I didn’t think it was going to be that difficult but I had 6 circuits each day which meant I had to do the number of exercise 6 times. I didn’t think that through when I made it and I regretted that when I was doing it. Half way through I wanted to stop and just say I did it but then I told my mom to tell me to do it or take something away so I wanted to. She was a good help and I completed the project and I was not to sore


I had to use persistence to finish all the drafts and activities but it’s all worth it in the end. We need persistence in school but we also need it all our life for getting a job or if you have a goal we you want to complete or something you want. You have to work hard if you truly want something.

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